Speak Out!

Summer is going by so quickly. I’m enjoying the time off with my children so I haven’t had much time to blog and stay connected. But I felt the need to send you this important message to help you finish this summer strong and victoriously. Enjoy this article written just for you.

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Are you saying what I God is saying? Or are you just going through life stating the obvious. God told Ezekiel to “repeat what I say” (Ez. 37). Sounds easy enough right? Well not really. What God wanted Ezekiel to repeat went totally against natural law and common sense. God showed him some dried skeleton bones and told him to “tell them to come back to life”. Then God asked him, “Can these bones live”? Ezekiel knew better. His response was, “Lord you know”. Now that’s some faith. Ezekiel knew
enough to know that if God spoke something, nothing can stop its manifestation. You know the rest of the story. Ezekiel stepped out in faith, spoke what God said, and saw people come back to life before his very eyes.

What about you? What situation are you looking at in the natural that seems like there’s no way out? It may even look like a hopeless case. No situation is above God and that means that no situation is above you. Jesus said that He has given us power and dominion over EVERY and ANY situation we may face (Eph 1:21, 2:6; Luke 10:19). The key however is dependent on what we SAY over our situation.

If you are speaking what you see, you are not speaking in faith. We should be speaking ONLY what God says over our lives. God says that “He has commanded a blessing on EVERYTHING you do and that He will give you success in all you do” (Duet 28:8). So that means that if you appear to be failing at something, BE BOLD and SPEAK what God says, not the obvious. Finances, whether you have a lot or not enough, are to be subject to the Word of God also. Like David, we should say, “wealth and riches are in my house. . . ” (Ps. 112:3). We most definitely should be speaking over our children that “they are successful wherever they go” (Ps. 112:2). Concerning our heath, God said that “No plague shall come near our homes (Ps. 91:6)”. That means that we should not be speaking anything about our children, our finances, or our health that God did not say no matter what it “looks” like. God’s Word overrides all natural law and common sense.

I’m not suggesting that you deny the truth. What I am suggesting is that you believe God’s truth about all else. Truth is God’s Word and THAT is what should be spoken over your health, marriage, children, finances or whatever else you may be facing today. Jesus word to you today is “According to your faith, be it done unto you” (Matt 9:29).

Now speak out! Speak out loud and bold over your life because Greater is the power of God in you than any outside force (1John 4:4)

So enjoy the rest of your summer break (whatever is left of it) and Speak out and walk in victory. I can’t wait to hear your testimonies.


P.S. Here's another great truth to speak over your life throughout the week:

Psalm 112
1 Praise the Lord!
How joyful are those who fear the Lord
and delight in obeying his commands.
2 Their children will be successful everywhere;
an entire generation of godly people will be blessed.
3 They themselves will be wealthy,
and their good deeds will last forever.


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