Daniel Fast Welcome & Pre-Planning

FREE Pre-Planning Guide Download

Greatness is Inside of YOU!

As your inspirational coach, I'm not just here to tell you that you're great; I'm here to help you walk in your greatness. No fluff. Just proven Biblical success strategies to get you to your God-Ordained destiny.
So instead of following the crowd with making new year's resolutions that fail the first month, we will begin with hearing from God. Don't miss this year's 21-Day Daniel Fast. Join now!

Why Daniel? Well we know that it takes 21 days to change a habit and begin new pathways in the brain. PLUS fasting increases our frequency to hear from God in a deeper way.

Daniel fasted for 21 days to receive Insight & Clarity and he became so great that we are still talking about him thousands of years later. He got uncommon promotion and favor that created a life of significance. The angel came to him and said, "Daniel, I have come here to give you insight and understanding" (Daniel 9:22).

But Don't Panic! We have fasting options that will work with your current lifestyle or dietary needs. PLUS, you receive support along the way. We're a team. We will have weekly phone conferences with question and answer segments, a Facebook page called Refocus21, and lots more. 
FREE Pre-Planning Guide Download

Prepare for the fast. Download your FREE Pre-Planning Guide .

Thank you for those who have registered already. If you haven't yet, jump on board now. Your destiny is calling. I have made fasting easy for you with this beautiful, full color journal magazine. It guides you to fasting the first week for your relationships, week two for your Health and week three for your finances.

A new season calls for a new strategy. So even if you've fasted with this journal before, God has something new He wants to share with you about your 2019 destiny. We have a digital only option if you'd like to follow along and use your own journal. What ever you choose, please be sure to journal your fasting journey. God will be speaking to you so you want to write down what He is speaking into your spirit.

I will also be sending you daily prayers and inspiration during the fast as the Holy Spirit guides me to share. I know you are excited about the new things God will do through you in 2019 and I'm happy to be a part of it.

Get your free Pre-Planning Guide Now!
Purchase My Beautiful Fasting Journal
(Complimentary when you join)

Don't Go It Alone!

I'll be sharing a welcome message and teaching on Sunday, December 30th at 8:00 p.m. via Zoom tele-conference. You can tune in using your computer or cell phone. I'll also maximize my coverage by doing it live via Instagram as well.

So join the chat. More info to come.
Click Here to Join The Call (On Sunday @ 8p.m.)
The video below is from Last Year's End Your Year Strong Webinar. It's a 15 minute clip.  
Here's a clip from last year's End Your Year Strong Webinar. The message is still relevant for today.

We Plan AFTER the Fast.

Our VISION PLANNER will be released on January so you can have it when the fast end. You can pre-order yours today. Included in the purchase is a free coaching session on setting SMART goals for your relationships, health and finances. We will be sure to plan our year of Greatness!
Pre-Order My 2019 Planner Now!
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