Shalom Kingdom Warrior!
As we enter into week two, day 1; Read the verse above again. Did you notice that Jesus told the lady, you're not only healed but WHOLE?! He went beyond just healing her of her physical ailment and went a step further by pronouncing WHOLENESS over her life.
For those who may not be familiar with this story: This lady was suffering from continual bleeding for twelve looooong years. Back then, women were not allowed to leave their homes during their cycles. They were said to be "unclean" during this time.
Well we know how Jesus felt about that rule because he totally disregarded it. Instead, He loved on her and did not shun her as the law dictated. Therefore, whatever was lacking from her life, because of being ill for so long, was RESTORED. I can just imagine the things she was forced to miss out on for 12 long years being bound to her home. Jesus word of shalom (wholeness) changed everything.
The Hebrew word for wholeness is shalom! We know that in Jeremiah 29:11, God reminds us that His plan for our lives is "shalom" (peace, wholeness)! He wants you not just healed but whole! Take a look at the full meaning of shalom.
Strong’s Concordance defines it’s meaning as ‘completeness, wholeness, health, peace, welfare, safety, soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, greatness, favor, rest, harmony, the absence of agitation or discord‘ – phew! The root of Shalom is Shalam, meaning to be safe or complete.
So this week, Janis, God wants you to get that picture deep down inside of you. He wants you to know Him to be Jehovah Shalom over your relationships, health, and finances. The WHOLE YOU!
Happy Fasting.
Day 8: Prayer for REST
Father, Thank you for caring about my relationships, health and finances-the whole me. May I be one with Your Spirit to lead and guide into making decisions for my life that leads me to whole-mind, body and spirit.
Day 8 Affirmation: Declare it!
I am walking in God's plan for WHOLENESS in my life. .
(Jer. 29:11)
Dr. Janis Modeste
Inspirational Coach
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