Super Natural Success... The Way of The Believer

Super Natural Success

Hi Friend:

Just in time to start your week.

In my quiet time this morning, I learned an amazing truth about supernatural success through the life of King David (1 Chronicles 13-Read this chapter when you get a chance).
Like you, I am not interested in the worlds' methods and definitions of success.  Instead, We are interested in lasting success that leaves a legacy for generations to come.  I call that supernatural success and it only comes from God.

David enjoyed a life of supernatural success even though he went through life's struggles.  Let’s take a quick look at some success principles from King David.

1: Get a supportive team
In chapter 12, David becomes king and the first thing David did when he became king(chapter 13) was he gathered a support team around him.  He found men who were loyal to him and men who were determined to see him succeed (12:38).

Even Jesus needed 12 disciples to help him carry out his ministry.  If you want supernatural success, you cannot go through life’s journey alone.

2. “Inquire” (seek) of the Lord
David's first directive to his men was to bring the Ark of God and ask God for directions (13:10,14). So every time David faced a battle, he “inquired” of God and got supernatural success every time.  What situation have you taken on without consulting with God? (We'll discuss this more later).

3. Learn from the mistake of others
David was wise.  He learned from the mistakes of others.  He realized that King Saul’s reign ended in defeat and failure and he was determined not to follow that fate.  David realized that Saul was by himself during his difficult moments.  When Saul was down, he visited the fortune teller which caused his demise.  He was all by himself, without a team or even a friend to consult. He was all alone.

What did we learn?
David warned his men that Saul did not inquire of the Lord or sought his Word for advice during his reign (13:3).  Instead he did what he thought was best.  Let us also learn from Saul’s mistake. Take a break today and read this scripture and hear what the Holy Spirit may be teaching you. He wants to give you super natural success!  So let's take heed and follow in David's steps.  His fame and success is still known throughout the world even today. Now that's supernatural success.

If you have taken on the stress of raising your children, creating an intimate marriage, finding financial freedom, finding that soul mate or even finding that perfect job; stop right now and inquire of the Lord.  Pause, grab a pencil and paper and start inquiring of the Lord. Like David, listen to what He has to say and stand amazed at the supernatural success that comes.

Let's not forget your team in the process. If you don’t have a team, Join our team.  We are here to inspire you and propel you into your God-ordained destiny.  The distractions and busyness of this world is designed to keep you from your destiny.  So make plans to plug into our live events and upcoming web events to stay inspired on your journey.  Join a group of women who are filled with faith, not just for their destiny but for yours as well.  Now that's a rear find so stay plugged in.

I hope you're keeping me in your prayers as I keep you in mine.  Together, let's enjoy supernatural success.

Remember to Live Everyday Inspired!

Your Inspirational Coach

P.S. Refocus21-A 21 Day Fasting Journal2016- Coming soon so get ready to grab your copy. If you're an early bird, register here now.


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