Refocus21 Day 2- Stay Focused!

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Stay Focused!


As you begin your work week, remember that distractions may come in the form of busyness, depression, doubt or bad habits. It's purpose is to block you from hearing God’s voice. Don’t let it!  Jesus knew that life would send us unexpected curve balls so He warned us: “I have told you these things so that you won’t abandon your faith and that you would have peace in me” (NLT John 16: 33).

Keep Listening
So No matter what situation you may find yourself in these next few weeks, keep listening for God's His will for your life. Believe that as you seek Him, He will guide you and give you the clarity and insight that you need for your relationships, health and finances.

Jesus said, “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things.” (John 14:26)

So rest in His presence and enjoy His peace.
Tune in and focus on hearing that still small voice- not only in your morning devotions, but throughout your day. Oh, also remember to journal!

Have an inspiring day!

Dr. Janis Modeste,
Your Inspirational Coach
Free Pre-fast Guide
Grab Your Journal Copy Now!
 P.S. Do you have all you need? 

1. A Bible- God speaks through His Word
2.  Quiet time/space- To hear from God
3.  Refocus21 Journal- To track your fast and
     write what God is saying for each area of your life.

Important Dates:

Week 1- Prayer for your relationships
Fasting begins, January 8th.

Be sure to download your Pre-Planning Guide to help keep you on track.


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