Do Not Be Afraid
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June 9, 2011
A few weeks ago, we spoke about waking up to the dream that God has placed inside us. You have a great dream inside you. You’re ready to go, but you hesitate. We all go through this at some point in our journey towards our destiny. We can use this summer season to move one step closer to having the fulfillment of checking off at least one task towards our dream.
This summer I plan on spending lots of precious time with my children and "breathe" after a full year of studies. Like you, I also wear many hats so I have a check-off list a mile long in the attempt to balance my business/ministry, family and spiritual life. With so much to do, it’s easy to find excuses to put YOUR dreams on hold as we go through the everyday routines.
When God called Jeremiah (Jer. Chap 1), his excuse was, “I can’t speak for you! I’m too young”. Just think, uhhh, did God forget to look at that minor detail? Did Jeremiah really think God didn’t know how old he was? But before we laugh at Jeremiah, let’s look at us. What excuses are we using? How are we scaling down our dreams to fit into our small frame of mind because we’re too ____________ (you fill in the blank) {hint: busy might be a possible answer}. Are you guilty of small thinking and suppressing the BIG dream God placed inside you.
Well I’m here to encourage you today to DREAM BIG and get out the box.
God is telling you today, as He told Jeremiah, “Don’t say I’m too _________ (fill in). For you must go and do whatever I tell you. And don’t be afraid of the people, for I will be with you and will protect you”. God is telling you the same today. Remember, He has given you a dream so that He can fulfill it in your life. He lives inside you so everything you need to fulfill your destiny is inside you.
God says, (vs 18,19) I have made you strong like a fortified city that cannot be captured, like an iron pillar on a bronze wall…. I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU”.
Wow! Just picture yourself with that much strength and help from God. Now you can walk in this confidence and live your dream. Your calling is calling!
Live Inspired!

Janis Modeste, EdD, ABD
Join an inspirational book chat today.
June 9, 2011
A few weeks ago, we spoke about waking up to the dream that God has placed inside us. You have a great dream inside you. You’re ready to go, but you hesitate. We all go through this at some point in our journey towards our destiny. We can use this summer season to move one step closer to having the fulfillment of checking off at least one task towards our dream.
This summer I plan on spending lots of precious time with my children and "breathe" after a full year of studies. Like you, I also wear many hats so I have a check-off list a mile long in the attempt to balance my business/ministry, family and spiritual life. With so much to do, it’s easy to find excuses to put YOUR dreams on hold as we go through the everyday routines.
When God called Jeremiah (Jer. Chap 1), his excuse was, “I can’t speak for you! I’m too young”. Just think, uhhh, did God forget to look at that minor detail? Did Jeremiah really think God didn’t know how old he was? But before we laugh at Jeremiah, let’s look at us. What excuses are we using? How are we scaling down our dreams to fit into our small frame of mind because we’re too ____________ (you fill in the blank) {hint: busy might be a possible answer}. Are you guilty of small thinking and suppressing the BIG dream God placed inside you.
Well I’m here to encourage you today to DREAM BIG and get out the box.
God is telling you today, as He told Jeremiah, “Don’t say I’m too _________ (fill in). For you must go and do whatever I tell you. And don’t be afraid of the people, for I will be with you and will protect you”. God is telling you the same today. Remember, He has given you a dream so that He can fulfill it in your life. He lives inside you so everything you need to fulfill your destiny is inside you.
God says, (vs 18,19) I have made you strong like a fortified city that cannot be captured, like an iron pillar on a bronze wall…. I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU”.
Wow! Just picture yourself with that much strength and help from God. Now you can walk in this confidence and live your dream. Your calling is calling!
Live Inspired!

Janis Modeste, EdD, ABD
Join an inspirational book chat today.
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