Write the Vision- You must do this!
Weekly Inspiration 11.29.15
You Must have This!
“Now go and write down these words.
Write them in a book.
They will stand until the end of time
as a witness…” Isaiah 30:8
Hi Friend:
Are you ready to walk boldly into your dreams in 2016? Then you MUST be prepared to write it down. This was not a suggestion from God, but a command. God said it again in Hab: 2:2; it says, “and the LORD (Yehovah) said, “Write the Vision. Make it plain. That the one who reads it may run with it.” Both times we see that God was trying to get His plan to His people so they can achieve victory. It is a simple yet powerful task. Who would have guessed that by simply writing down your vision, guarantees your success.
God said, "For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail." (verse 3)
Who said the written dream/goal will not fail? Yep, God said it. He says that the vision has a set time that it WILL arrive. However, we have to do our part. He wants you to come to Him and ask Him for the master plan He has for life. He says,
“You make plans that are contrary to mine.
You make alliances not directed by my Spirit,
thus piling up your sins.” (Isa. 30:1b)
He does not want you making your own plans. He wants you to come to Him to receive the plans HE has for you. God wants you to enjoy the life Jesus died to give you (John 10:10). But He knows that unless you live according to His plan, you won’t be fulfilled nor reach your God-ordained destiny.
He also knows it’s simple but not easy, so He gave me a tool to share with you. It’s called, Refocus21-A 21-day Fasting Journal-zine. This devotion helps you seek God’s plan for all areas of your life and allows you to WRITE down the plan He will unfold for this upcoming year. Those of us who’s done this fast knows that He always speaks. Always.
He does not want us coming up with our own plans when we all know that His is far superior. He’s waiting for you to come to him to plan for 2016. He says,
“So the Lord must wait for you to come to him
so he can show you his love and compassion.
For the Lord is a faithful God.
Blessed are those who wait for his help.” (Isa 30:18)
So join me for 21 days as we seek God for insight and clarity into the plans He has for our lives in 2016. You are worth it so set aside the time.
Register within the next 72 hours and receive the discounted price for a hard copy as soon as it comes available in 7 days. Those who've registered already, you're in on the deal. But if not, Time is running out so register today. We have new surprises for you so don’t miss THIS year’s edition being released this week.
Here’s a sample of LAST year’s edition. Click here<<<<
Remember, Live everyday Inspired!
Write them in a book.
They will stand until the end of time
as a witness…” Isaiah 30:8
Hi Friend:
God said, "For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail." (verse 3)
Who said the written dream/goal will not fail? Yep, God said it. He says that the vision has a set time that it WILL arrive. However, we have to do our part. He wants you to come to Him and ask Him for the master plan He has for life. He says,
“You make plans that are contrary to mine.
You make alliances not directed by my Spirit,
thus piling up your sins.” (Isa. 30:1b)
He does not want you making your own plans. He wants you to come to Him to receive the plans HE has for you. God wants you to enjoy the life Jesus died to give you (John 10:10). But He knows that unless you live according to His plan, you won’t be fulfilled nor reach your God-ordained destiny.
He also knows it’s simple but not easy, so He gave me a tool to share with you. It’s called, Refocus21-A 21-day Fasting Journal-zine. This devotion helps you seek God’s plan for all areas of your life and allows you to WRITE down the plan He will unfold for this upcoming year. Those of us who’s done this fast knows that He always speaks. Always.
He does not want us coming up with our own plans when we all know that His is far superior. He’s waiting for you to come to him to plan for 2016. He says,
“So the Lord must wait for you to come to him
so he can show you his love and compassion.
For the Lord is a faithful God.
Blessed are those who wait for his help.” (Isa 30:18)
So join me for 21 days as we seek God for insight and clarity into the plans He has for our lives in 2016. You are worth it so set aside the time.
Register within the next 72 hours and receive the discounted price for a hard copy as soon as it comes available in 7 days. Those who've registered already, you're in on the deal. But if not, Time is running out so register today. We have new surprises for you so don’t miss THIS year’s edition being released this week.
Here’s a sample of LAST year’s edition. Click here<<<<
Remember, Live everyday Inspired!
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