It's De-Clutter Day!
Hello 2016!
Its De-cluttering time
Hi Friends!We can’t get back 2015 but we CAN make an impact in 2016! Trust God. He really does have a plan for your life. BUT be aware, He won’t force it on you. You must spend time with Him so He can reveal it to you. But how can you tune into His voice amidst the distractions? It’s tough but there’s help. I will be walking with you through this entire journey and praying for you (by name for those who registered) each morning during the fast. I’ve got you covered so here we go:
Step 1- Declutter Day
Use today to declutter the spaces you visit on a daily basis-especially those spaces you use to start your day. A physical declutter will allow for a clear mind so you can focus your energies on hearing from God. So start with your bathroom counter tops, dresser top, closet, and pantry area to store your special fasting groceries. (see page 2 of the prefasting schedule).
Coming tomorrow:
Step 2- Build Your Sanctuary Day
Remember that this week is preplanning week. Our fast (whichever option you choose) officially begins on Sunday, January 10th.
If you purchased your book and it has not arrived yet, be sure to use your download copy in the meantime. If you are having difficulties downloading, contact me and I will email you a digital copy. I want to make sure you have all the tools you need to start your year off on track.
Please note that these inspirational email I will be sending out will help you develop success habits that will last throughout the year. So share these emails with a friend even if they are not ‘fasting’.
Enjoy the journey and Live today inspired!
Your Inspirational Coach
P.S. Here's What You'll Need For a Successful Fast
1. A Bible- God speaks through His Word
2. Quiet time/space- To hear from God
3. Refocus21 Journal- To track your fast and
write what God is saying for each area of your life.
Get your FREE Download of the NEWLY Editited Pre-fasting Planning Guide .
(edited for grammar and grocery list. We changed lima beans to lentil beans)
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