You are a success, NOW!

Hello Friends!

You are a success NOW! Not when you finish that degree, lose 20 lbs, get your dream house, start that lucrative business or build a thriving ministry. You are a success, right where you are today.

The enemy wants you to see yourself as a failure. He wants you constantly reaching for the next goal in order to feel successful. Then He moves the goal and you repeat the cycle, never finding fulfillment.  But God wants you to know that He sees you, how He made you- A Success. 

But don’t take my word for it. Let’s look at God’s character through Gideon’s life story in Judges chapters 6-8. Looking at his outward appearance, Gideon seem to be living a regular, mundane life. In fact, he seemed to be much of a wimp because he, along with all the Israelites, were hiding out from the Midianites. They were all in hiding, afraid to even face their enemies.

 So one day, as he was working in his father’s winepress, hiding away, God sent an angel and said, “the LORD is with you, mighty man of valor” (6:12). The word Valor in Hebrew is “chayil” meaning, strength, power, riches.  Another versions says, “The Lord is with you, brave and mighty man!”

I wish we could see the shock on Gideon’s face when he was addressed in that manner. In his eyes, and those looking at him, they did not see a “brave and mighty man”. But God, his creator, saw him as brave and mighty despite his current, temporary position.

Where you are right now in life, is temporary. God see’s you in the light of your destiny. He has made you great, because He is great! 

Gideon responded, “If you’re with me, why are all this 'bad' stuff happening to me and around me?”  You may be asking the same question. If I am great now as God says, why am I depressed, broke, single, sick, divorced…..? God’s simple response was, “Go with all your great strength and rescue Israel from the Midianites. I myself am sending you” (vs14).

Gideon must have looked around to see who the Lord was talking to? He must have been thing, "I know God must see me hiding from the Midianties"! God wanted to use Gideon in the area of his defeat. Likewise, God wants to use you in your area of defeat. If you’re sick, He wants you to minister to the sick, if you’re divorced, He wants to use you to bring hope to others. Whatever area the enemy has been using to keep you down, that’s the area God wants to use you to bring Him Glory!  He is saying to you today, “I myself am sending you.” 

We all know Gideon’s next question. But Lord, How? Gideon replied, “But Lord, how can I rescue Israel? My clan is the weakest in the tribe of Manasseh, and I am the least important member of my family.” So in Gideon’s eyes, he’s  had already disqualified himself for greatness.

What excuses have you been using to disqualify yourself from the great plan or big dreams God has for your life? Have you been trying to remind God, like Gideon, of your present position? I'm Too sick, too broke, too busy, too uneducated, too broken?

God’s response:
The Lord answered, “You can do it because I will help you. You will crush the Midianites as easily as if they were only one man” (vs 16).
So my encouragement to you today is, You can Do It! God will help you crush whatever self image that has been blocking your view of the Greatness that God has for you.

God looked down at a man hiding in a winepress and called him a “brave and mighty man”. And today, when we read about Gideon, we read the ending of his story:So Midian was defeated by the Israelites and was no longer a threat. The land was at peace for forty years, until Gideon died (Judges 8:28).

Today, thousands of years later, Gideon is known as a military leader, judge and prophet who won a miraculous victory over the Midianites- not as a cowardly winepresser.
So how do you see yourself today? I urge you to see, what God sees. He sees you a great success in the calling He has for your life. You play an important role in His Kingdom. Remember, Today, Now, you are a success. Walk in it!!

Need help  getting insight and clarity into God’s plan for your life, take the fasting challenge. Already fasted, then stay on track with your vision and goals with the Vision Planner. Go to

Live Everyday Inspired!

Dr. Janis Modeste
Your Inspirational Coach 


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