It's Already Done. Just Go Get It!
"...They discouraged the children of Israel from entering the Land the Lord had given them." Number 32:9
This weekend my family and friends will be celebrating the home going of my dear dad, Gilbert Monrose. We was peacefully asleep when he went to be with the Lord early Monday. He lived his life to the very end on purpose. We will all miss him dearly but know that he was ready to go home. So in his honor, I will love to share these words with you this morning to ensure that YOU live out your life on purpose.
Who or what has been discouraging you from going after that big dream that God has given you? Are you your biggest discourager? (I just made that word up because you know exactly what it means).
I encourage you to do some self reflection and then answer the question: Are you your biggest discourager? Sometimes, the biggest battle field is in our minds. Or maybe the question should be, Are you allowing other people's opinions to keep you in your status quo?
In Number chapter 32, God promised the children of Israel, through Moses, that He will bring them to this rich land, "flowing with milk and honey". But what is interesting is that even though they did not yet possess the land, verse 9 says, people discouraged them from the land "God HAD GIVEN them". This shows us that once God promises you something, it's already yours. Notice that the verse said "had given"; so it was a done deal-even though they did not physically posses it yet.. See, once God said it, in His eyes, it was already theirs. They just had to go get it.
What promise or dream has God given you that you need to go get? If He gave you the dream, He's already made the way. Don't do like the majority of the Israelites who got discouraged and gave up. In turn, "The Lord was very angry with them and he vowed that they will not enter the land. Instead, they would wander around futilely through the wilderness for 40 years" (verse 9-10 expanded).
Don't let that be you! This year, the Word of the Lord is "He will do something NEW... He will make a way in the wilderness." So even though you may have procrastinated on your dreams and wandered through life, God is saying to you, THIS YEAR, GO GET IT! He's made a path for you through the wilderness of your everyday life. Don't worry about the past. He is doing something NEW. Whoohoo! Get excited about walking into your God- Ordained Destiny.
He has greatness in store for you. Hello 2017!
Live today Inspired!

Dr. Janis Modeste
Your Inspirational Coach |
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