Who's In Your Inner Circle?


You are destined for greatness! But who you surround yourself with can hinder or propel you into the plan God has for YOUR 2020. As I did my daily devotion and meditation, I got such a revelation of this fact that I had to share it with you today.

When Yeshua (Jesus) started his ministry here on earth, He hand picked his team (Mark 3:13). People just couldn't walk up to him and joined his team, He choose them. That's good news because we know Scripture reminds us:

"You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name" (John 15:16).

You can be confident that God has chosen YOU, to go out and produce. Whatever you need for your dream/vision, He is faithful and He is standing by to fulfill those requests. But did you know that your inner circle could be blocking your progress?

I read where Jesus went on a mission to heal a little girl (Mark 5). But once he arrived on the scene, the girl appeared to be dead. Since He was not moved by facts but instead moved by love, He said, "She is only sleeping". The crowd knew she had died so they could not raise their belief to match His. So based on their "unbelieving" attitude, Jesus put them out of the room. They laughed and ridiculed him because He spoke the end result (the vision), not the present. They could only speak what they saw, not want they wanted.

Jesus told his 3 Inner Circle (team members) Peter, James, John to come in with Him because they believed with Him. And as the story goes on we find that the little girl was raised to life and healed right away. This is an amazing miracle we can still refer to because Jesus put away from Himself the naysayers.

What about you? When you share your dream with family and friends, are they believing with you or laughing and doubting you. If they are, pray about finding a supportive team. You need people in your circle who will honor you and believe with you. You get to choose them, not they choose you.You get to choose with whom you share your dreams. it's YOUR choice so choose wisely.

Grab a pen and write the names of those who believe in you and honor you. Pray about building your Inner Circle. My team and I will continue to provide supportive and inspirational opportunities to share out because I know the importance of a believing team. So take advantage of the podcasts, and other inspirational events that is coming up near you.

On March 1st, registration will open for No Limits Women's Conference 2020 which will be here in Clermont, Florida on May 30, 2020. Stay tuned to be the first to save your spot. Also, on March 7 (next weekend) I'll be a guest speaker at Clermont Women's Empowerment Conference so hopefully you can make it. I'll also be posting cities and dates where I'll be visiting soon. I'll be working diligently in 2020 to provide the inspirational platform to propel you into your next level.

Live Everyday Inspired!
Dr. Janis Modeste
Your Inspirational Coach & Strategist

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"You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name". Mark 16:15 (NLT)


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