One Woman's Secret
One Woman's Secret
(An Important Lesson from Elisha)
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Spring just came but summer's at its heel. I’m gearing up for two graduations in the next few weeks. My four year old is moving on to the BIG K (kindergarten) and my step son is moving on to the BIG H (high school). This just reminds me just how quickly life is moving. What are we doing to seize the moment and make our dreams a reality? Not just for us, but our children as well.
Here’s a valuable lesson I learned from Elisha.Caution: If put into practice, will cause you to go from struggling to thriving towards your destiny.
This lady came to Elisha (2Kings 4:1-7). She complained to him that although her husband served God but he died and left her in debt and broke. Hmmm. I couldn’t help but wonder what responses would this man of God give to this “poor widow”. Maybe he could offer her some money, tell her sons to get extra jobs or send her to the government for help. Instead, he asked her a very defining question. “What’s in your hands?” In other words, what talents, gifts or resources do you have available to you? She only had a flask with some olive oil in it. Certainly, she can’t do anything with that. What bill could that pay?
She was desperate so she listened to his off- the-wall proposal which turned into a great business idea. She ended up with a thriving business, selling oil to her neighbors, friends and community. She was able to use the profit to not only pay off all her debts, but was able LIVE on the proceeds. It gets better. Not only was she taken care of for the rest of her life, but as a mother, I know how important it was for her that she was also able to take care of her children (verse 7).
That’s how it begins ladies. “What is in your hands? What are your talents, gifts or abilities? How can you use it to solve someone’s problem? She was able to offer oil to meet people's needs. What are you able to offer? You are unique. Only you have that individual experiences and abilities combination. I've just shared a secret of success with you. Go out today and use it!
Live Inspired!

Janis Modeste, M.Ed., Ed.D ABD
Inspirational Coach
Book Chat Host
(An Important Lesson from Elisha)
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Spring just came but summer's at its heel. I’m gearing up for two graduations in the next few weeks. My four year old is moving on to the BIG K (kindergarten) and my step son is moving on to the BIG H (high school). This just reminds me just how quickly life is moving. What are we doing to seize the moment and make our dreams a reality? Not just for us, but our children as well.

This lady came to Elisha (2Kings 4:1-7). She complained to him that although her husband served God but he died and left her in debt and broke. Hmmm. I couldn’t help but wonder what responses would this man of God give to this “poor widow”. Maybe he could offer her some money, tell her sons to get extra jobs or send her to the government for help. Instead, he asked her a very defining question. “What’s in your hands?” In other words, what talents, gifts or resources do you have available to you? She only had a flask with some olive oil in it. Certainly, she can’t do anything with that. What bill could that pay?
She was desperate so she listened to his off- the-wall proposal which turned into a great business idea. She ended up with a thriving business, selling oil to her neighbors, friends and community. She was able to use the profit to not only pay off all her debts, but was able LIVE on the proceeds. It gets better. Not only was she taken care of for the rest of her life, but as a mother, I know how important it was for her that she was also able to take care of her children (verse 7).
That’s how it begins ladies. “What is in your hands? What are your talents, gifts or abilities? How can you use it to solve someone’s problem? She was able to offer oil to meet people's needs. What are you able to offer? You are unique. Only you have that individual experiences and abilities combination. I've just shared a secret of success with you. Go out today and use it!
Live Inspired!

Janis Modeste, M.Ed., Ed.D ABD
Inspirational Coach
Book Chat Host
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