Success Circle: Who's In Yours?
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011
We have an extended weekend coming up, yeah! Memorial Day. We mourn the lives of those who gave the ultimate for our freedom, and yet rejoice that we are still able to enjoy those freedoms. I hope you’re planning a day at the park or a barbeque- something outdoors. It’s always good to take a break from the norm and enjoy life- even the smaller things in life. That way, when the BIG successes come, you’ll be eager to celebrate those also. I'd love to share a major missing ingredient to our successes. It's our "success circle". Who's in yours?
We hear often of how great a king David was. We hear and read of all the battles he fought as king, and prior, and won. Because of it, he became famous through all the world (I Chronicles 14:17). But what we don’t hear much about is the champions he had in his circle. The ones fighting along side him, cheering him on. They were a group of “expert archers who could shoot arrows or sling stones with both their left and right hand” (12:2). As if that were not enough, he also surrounded himself with another group of “experts in both shield and spear, as fierce as lions and as swift as deer on the mountains.” Wow! David, who was a well skilled man of war, went out to get and surround himself with other highly skilled warriors.
How about you? Who do you have in your circle? Your battle may be for your health, family, finances or a peace of mind. Let’s face it. We’re in a battle. You’re in a battle! And who you surround yourself with will determine your outcome. Success or failure? It’s been said, five years from now, you will be (1) the people you hang around (2) the books you read (3) the places you go.
I love using David as an example for us because it keeps things in perspective. Even though he had many successes, he also had many failures. “Success does NOT mean perfection. It means a willingness to fail, get up, and try again- until you accomplish your dreams” (my personal definition). David’s strategy (14:10,14) is that he asked God FIRST what to do, then went into battle armed and prepared with his team of experts; which I call his Success Circle.
Ok, Janis, you may say. I’m Inspired and ready to find my success circle. But where will I find the time?
I’m glad you asked. I understand too well that you’re a woman on the go juggling home, work, family. . . the list goes on. How do you find time to build YOUR dream? And just where do you find or expand your success circle? We at IUM (Inspire!Us), have made the process quick and easy. Join an elite group of women who work together to achieve greatness and balance in all areas of their lives. Find out more about your options. Feel free to choose from these simple steps:
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In other words, JOIN OUR WINNING TEAM!!
Live Inspired!

Janis Modeste, M.Ed., Ed.D ABD

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011
We have an extended weekend coming up, yeah! Memorial Day. We mourn the lives of those who gave the ultimate for our freedom, and yet rejoice that we are still able to enjoy those freedoms. I hope you’re planning a day at the park or a barbeque- something outdoors. It’s always good to take a break from the norm and enjoy life- even the smaller things in life. That way, when the BIG successes come, you’ll be eager to celebrate those also. I'd love to share a major missing ingredient to our successes. It's our "success circle". Who's in yours?

How about you? Who do you have in your circle? Your battle may be for your health, family, finances or a peace of mind. Let’s face it. We’re in a battle. You’re in a battle! And who you surround yourself with will determine your outcome. Success or failure? It’s been said, five years from now, you will be (1) the people you hang around (2) the books you read (3) the places you go.
I love using David as an example for us because it keeps things in perspective. Even though he had many successes, he also had many failures. “Success does NOT mean perfection. It means a willingness to fail, get up, and try again- until you accomplish your dreams” (my personal definition). David’s strategy (14:10,14) is that he asked God FIRST what to do, then went into battle armed and prepared with his team of experts; which I call his Success Circle.
Ok, Janis, you may say. I’m Inspired and ready to find my success circle. But where will I find the time?
I’m glad you asked. I understand too well that you’re a woman on the go juggling home, work, family. . . the list goes on. How do you find time to build YOUR dream? And just where do you find or expand your success circle? We at IUM (Inspire!Us), have made the process quick and easy. Join an elite group of women who work together to achieve greatness and balance in all areas of their lives. Find out more about your options. Feel free to choose from these simple steps:
Join A Book Chat near you-
Subscription to our Quarterly Magazines
Join A Group Coaching Team
In other words, JOIN OUR WINNING TEAM!!
Live Inspired!
Janis Modeste, M.Ed., Ed.D ABD

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