Declare It!
"So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it."
Isa. 55:11 NASB
Hi Friends!:
At the beginning of the harvest season, I wrote to prepare you that harvest is hard work. However, we can still enjoy reaping our harvest though the thorns try to get in your way. Your thorns may be fatigue, procrastination, busyness, unforgiveness or complacency. But no worries, we have just to tool to get rid of those thorns I like to call 'dream blockers'.
Our sure and steadfast tool is God's WORD. He says, His Word will not return void to Him but will go forth and accomplish any mission (Isa 55:11 expanded). So how do we use this most powerful tool? We declare it! We speak God's Word back to Him and it will burst through any thorn, any obstacle that may be in the way of your harvest. “… and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it” (vs.11c KJV). The Hebrew word for prosper in this verse is tsalach which means to push forward, break out, go over, prosper.
So what area (harvest) of your life can use a break through? Here are some declarations you can use (remember to say them out loud) to push forward to receive God’s promise for your life.
“I declare, I am fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God”. (Col 1:10)
“I declare, My children are taught of the LORD and great is their peace (Shalom-welfare, health, prosperity). (Isa. 54:13)
“I declare, wealth and riches are in my house” (Ps.144:11-15)
“I declare, I am full of favor and full with the blessing of the LORD.” (Duet 33:23)
These are just some of my declarations I am using this season. I encourage you to pray and spend time with God. He will lead to the right declarations so you can break through into the greater in every area of your life!
Live Inspired!
Your Inspirational Coach
P.S. I will be sharing more declarations on Twitter and Facebook throughout the week so I hope you’re following me.
Isa. 55:11 NASB
Hi Friends!:

Our sure and steadfast tool is God's WORD. He says, His Word will not return void to Him but will go forth and accomplish any mission (Isa 55:11 expanded). So how do we use this most powerful tool? We declare it! We speak God's Word back to Him and it will burst through any thorn, any obstacle that may be in the way of your harvest. “… and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it” (vs.11c KJV). The Hebrew word for prosper in this verse is tsalach which means to push forward, break out, go over, prosper.
So what area (harvest) of your life can use a break through? Here are some declarations you can use (remember to say them out loud) to push forward to receive God’s promise for your life.
“I declare, I am fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God”. (Col 1:10)
“I declare, My children are taught of the LORD and great is their peace (Shalom-welfare, health, prosperity). (Isa. 54:13)
“I declare, wealth and riches are in my house” (Ps.144:11-15)
“I declare, I am full of favor and full with the blessing of the LORD.” (Duet 33:23)
These are just some of my declarations I am using this season. I encourage you to pray and spend time with God. He will lead to the right declarations so you can break through into the greater in every area of your life!
Live Inspired!
Your Inspirational Coach
P.S. I will be sharing more declarations on Twitter and Facebook throughout the week so I hope you’re following me.
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