Get Out Your Way!

Get Out Your Way!
Hi Friend:

God has a great plan for your life. He wants you to have Shalom (peace) in your health, in your relationships with family and friends; He wants to meet all your physical and financial needs- He wants you WHOLE!  (see Jer 29:11 if you doubt this)

God is faithful. He ALWAYS does what He promised.  However, He never forces His plans on us.  He gives us a free will and free choice to follow His path. But so often, we miss it.  We get caught up in our own way, and forget that God is leading.  Yes. God is leading, but are you following?

Spend time with God this week.  Ask Him to show you the areas that you have allowed to block His will for your life. Don’t let doubt, unbelief, unforgiveness or fear keep you from the path God has laid out for your life.

God Word says,
“Look, For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun!
Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness.  I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.
…Yes, I will make rivers in the dry wasteland so my chosen people can be refreshed.
Isaiah 43:19, 20b

You may feel as if you’re lost in the wilderness of busyness, stress, or uncertainty.  But No matter how far you may feel from God today, He has a path already laid out in front of you. Rest in these Words.  SEE His hand leading you.  He loves you dearly.

Help me LORD (Jehovah) NOT to stand in my own way. You are faithful. You will do what you say.  Show me the areas that I have allowed to block Your will for my life.  I surrender my ways to Yours.
Lord, help me to Get out of my own way.  Remove fear, doubt, unbelief, and unforgiveness from my mind.  Give me a mind like Christ.  A mind that is stayed on You.  A mind that trusts in You.  Help me to see clearly Your will for my life and to follow you.  Thank you for leading me.

In Jesus' (Yeshua's) Name I pray in faith believing it is DONE!

Your Inspirational Coach


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