The Proof is in the Wait!
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.Rom. 8:28
Everything you’re going through today is a setup for your success tomorrow. Your experiences are never wasted. The Bible says, “All things work together for your good...” ALL things, not some, not just the good, ALL.
Lessons on success from David.
He got anointed King over Israel but had to wait about 20 years before he began to reign. In the meantime, he had to deal with all kinds of ‘haters’. His biggest hater was King Saul. Saul felt threatened by David and was deeply jealous of him. He even tried on numerous occasions to kill him! But if God is for you, No weapon or plan against you can prosper!
How you wait, determines your success.
I call it, your “while-you-wait attitude”. What is your “while-you-wait attitude”? Are you discontented, rude, jealous, gossiping about others, or mean spirited? I know these are not intentional attitudes, so some deep reflection will be needed. If we didn't slip into these attitude sometimes, God would not have warned us about them in His Word.So don't take offense. Instead stop and reflect on your attitude lately as you go through your waiting stage.
God uses it all for your good.
Remember, everything you are going through will work out for your good. It’s all for your setup to success.Through it all, David kept his respect and dignity towards his number one hater, Saul. When he had the opportunity to bring Saul down, he built Saul up. David knew that in order for God to lift him up, he had to display integrity and strength of character despite the negative actions of those around him.
David’s advice for Integrity & Strength of Character was (see Psalm 15):
- Be honest (especially with yourself)
- Don’t gossip (talk negative about someone behind their backs)
- Keep your word (even if it hurts, do what you say you will do)
These are simple but necessary character traits for you as a believer as you wait for your breakthrough. Your reputation is worth more than gold so protect it. Remember, The proof is in the wait. How you wait will determine your level of success. So how are you waiting?
Coaching Question:
Think about a situation or a person that have you frustrated. What attitude adjustments can you do this week to wait with integrity and character? Take a deep breath, actually 3 deep breaths, clear your mind and ask God to show you yourself. Then ask for forgiveness, shake it off and put on your new success mindset.
Need more support to soar into your destiny? Click here to listen to yesterday's Radio Broadcast on this topic. Remember to register for the upcoming No Limits Conference.It's almost here and space is limited. Join a group of faith filled women who are ready to shake out of our comfort zone and soar into the NEW heights God has for us this year. Space is limited so register you and your friends today. Join me on May 27th for a Word from God to help propel you into the life of Greatness He has for you.
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