God Is Bursting Through For YOU!!

There's An Opportunity With YOUR Name On It!

"I will go before you, and level the uneven places; I will shatter the bronze doors and cut the iron bars in two" (Isaiah 45:2 CSB).

You can stand in confidence today knowing that God Himself says that He has your back. So as you sit at home or is deemed an essential worker and has to go out to work, God wants to do something new in your life this season. Yes you!

He is a God of seasons. Nothing stays the same with our God. He always wants to take His children higher. That's just the kind of Father He is. So as I sat during my morning devotion, this verse spoke so clearly to me. I love how God ensured that we knew that it would be His doing. He is the one who will "level the uneven (or crooked) places" in your life. I noticed He didn't ask us to do it. He has already gone ahead of you and cleared the path. Your job is to walk through.

Your Name is Written
He says He will "open doors" no matter how tough they seem. In fact, if it is touch as "bronze", He'll "shatter" it!! No matter what may be against you today, God wants you to be on the look out for that open door- aka that opportunity. There is an opportunity with your name on it. There's a new position, a new grant, a new ministry, a new business, with YOUR name on it.

If the situation seem difficult, God is reminding you that HE will go ahead of you and work it out. Not only will He work it out but He'll hold the door open for you. Are you ready?

Opportunity Is Knocking
When opportunity knocks, you will need to have your plan ready. You will need to be in position with a firm foundation on which to build your success.

I am preparing a teaching series and webinar for you on setting and writing your goals and vision. I thought it would be ready for this week but I've had to pause and take extra quiet to laser focus my vision.
So we will begin the first week of May. Get ready! Stay ready! And join me so we can make sure your vision, mission, strategy is ready for the New Opportunities God is sending your way this season.

Don't Go It Alone
You don't have to do this alone. Block out the noise of the world and hunker down and listen for specific instructions. God said, "I will give you the hidden riches in secret places". He is hiding an amazing opportunity just for you. Are you ready? Join me for this upcoming strategy session. Registration is now open.

Write the Vision Clearly
Once you have a clearly written vision and mission, you will be able to recognize the door (opportunity) when God opens it up. Be sure to carve out time next Thursday night and join me.

Stay Safe, Stay Home & Stay Inspired!

Dr. Janis Modeste
Inspirational Coach & Strategist

P.P.S.: New coaching program starts on May 7th so stay tuned for registration information coming soon.
We're Expanding to New Radio Stations
Starting May 4th at 7pm, we will be expanding our Radio broadcast to add Touch Life Broadcasting Network, TLBN to our list.
We will continue with our weekly podcast as well as our AM1340 broadcast in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. Remember to tune in to "Words That Inspire"on AM 1340 on Tuesdays at 7p.m.
Below, Is my new temporary quarantine Studio
since I can no longer go into the office.
Upcoming Events
***POSTPONED*** No Limits 2020- "Walk Empowered": NEW DATES COMING SOON: Clermont, Florida StTentative date will be released shortly. Stay tuned. It's going to be bigger and better with great speaker line up.

EMBOLDEN Island Retreat, March 12-14, 2021 in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands
Live music & amazing guest speakers. Save the date.
If this ministry has been a blessing to you and you would like to support us, feel free to give a gift.


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