Congratulations! You've completed your 21-Day Journey of hearing from God about His plans for you in 2017. So I'd like you to take some time today to celebrate this milestone- even though we're jumping right into planning.
Goals Planning- Day 1 Write the Vision The LORD answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it (Hab. 2:2).
Write is the key word in the instructions given to the prophet in this verse. Even though he had a vision of what he wanted to see take place, God instructed him to write it down. So we see here, goal writing is not a new concept. Instead it is a success plan, given by God, to ensure that the dreams He gives us for our lives come true.
God did not stop there. He went on to say what happens after we write the vision. He says when we read it, we’ll run, not walk, into the goals that we set. By reading our goals often, it keeps us running in the right direction.
But wait, He gave us even more guarantees. He went on further to say that, (vs. 3) "For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay.…”.
Remember, this is a quote from God Himself. I believe He keeps His Word. He did not say it would come through today, but He did say it will certainly come. God knew we would need patience and strength to keep at our goals.
The prophet knew this as well and he said, “GOD, the Lord, is my strength; He makes my feet like the deer’s; He makes me tread on my high places”( 3:19). We know that deer run and skip cheerfully up mountains. I pray that we, like the deer, cheerfully run towards our goals and dreams this year, no matter how high they may take us.
Next Steps (1)- Write The Vision
Let’s learn about how we will be writing our vision for the next few days. I will walk you through the process to ensure your planning success. Join me tonight as I share strategies to turn your journal entries into SMART goals. "Good planning leads to success" so let's spend time planning for greatness in 2017. You can begin by perusing through your journal for the next few days to see the reoccurring theme for each section and we will plan your goals accordingly.
Check-In Sunday (tonight) at 8:00 p.m. EST: Here’s the conference call info: Phone Conference Number: (559)546-1200 Access Code: 570286895#
I promised to make up our missed session so I'll chat with you tonight.
Stay Inspired!

Dr. Janis Modeste
Your Inspirational Coach |
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