Reset Your Health
This week, you started the preparations to RESET Your mind & spirit. But today, we are focusing on making preparations for your physical body. Remember, fasting and praying together, create supernatural breakthrough. The disciples were trying to deliver someone from a stronghold in their life, but didn’t have the power. A stronghold can be an addiction, a habit or a hangup. What reason did Jesus give them for their lack of power? He told them, "But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting" (Matt 17:21 NASB).
It's Supernatural!
If they wanted supernatural abilities to make tough changes, they had to pray AND fast. So here we are today, ready for supernatural results. Don’t focus so much on the food that you forget to focus on hearing from God.You get to choose the option that works best for your current lifestyle (see page 12 of your Journal for fasting options). Please consult with your doctor if you have any health issues.
Preplanning Day 4
Grocery Shopping
Take time today to make your grocery list or use the one provided for you in your PrePlanning Guide. Download your guide for free. A quick rule of thumb is No Sugars or Chemicals. Try to find organic and gluten free foods. Don’t forget you’ll be needing to drink lots of water to add that to your grocery list as well.
Happy Grocery Shopping!
Fun Fact:
Here’s a fun fact about the Daniel Fast: During a fast, the liver and immune system are essentially freed up to detoxify and heal other parts of the body (Dr. Axe).
Count down
Get ready. It's only 3 days before the fast begins. Of course you can fast on your own schedule but I recommend following along with us for support and inspiration throughout your fast. We're here for you!
Enjoy the journey and Live today inspired!
Dr. Janis Modeste,
Your Inspirational Coach
P.S. Here's What You'll Need For a Successful Fast
1. A Bible- God speaks through His Word
2. Quiet time/space- To hear from God
3. Refocus21 Journal- To track your fast and
write what God is saying for each area of your life.
Important Dates:
Pre-fast prep, January 1-7th.
Fasting begins, January 8th.
Fasting ends, January 28th
Coming Next, Step 5- Check In Thursday
If you have any questions about the fast, join our phone conference
(559)546-1200 Access Code 570286895
Thursday, 8 P.M. (EST)
Be sure to download your Pre-Planning Guide to help keep you on track |
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