Day 19- It's Your Turn!
"Oh the joys of them who reverence the Lord. They share freely and give generously to those in need. Their good deeds will be remembered forever. They will have influence and honor." Psalm 112:9
It's your turn. Instead of me inspiring you today, it's your turn to give. Inspire someone else today. Give of your time, money, or attention to someone in need.
Be a blessing to someone today. Have you received more than you have given? Start giving today and enjoy the blessings that comes from giving.
See you later tonight on the call. This Thursday's Tele-Conference will be filled with practical advice you can use to PLAN your financial success. Our guest speaker, Julie Rhymer, is a financial guru and spiritual guide with over 30 years experience in banking and financial management. You don't want to miss this chat.
Check-In Thursdays at 8:00 p.m. EST: Here’s the conference call info: Phone Conference Number: (559)546-1200 Access Code: 570286895#
GET on the call. Let's inspire each other!

Dr. Janis Modeste Your Inspirational Coach |
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