““I will command a blessing on everything you do”.Duet 28:8 NLTHi:
God has great plans for your life. Yes, God has placed a promise and a desire in your heart so He can bring it to pass. He says, “I take pleasure in the prosperity (shalom) of my servants” Ps.35:27.
God enjoys looking down and seeing His children prosper. That’s why in Duet 28:8 He says, “I will command a blessing on everything you do”. Everything. So why is it that we seem to walk around feeling defeated in certain areas of our lives?
Have you ever wondered why others seem to achieve their goals and others seem to wander aimlessly through life? Do we know why some made it to their promise and others did not? Well it’s no secret. We know that God promised His children a wealthy, bountiful land of promise.
Let’s look at why some did not reach their promised land in Psalm 78. It’s a great story and I believe we can learn a lot from it concerning our goals and dreams.
Reason 1: They gave up. Ps. 78:41 says, Yes, they turned back and tempted God and LIMITED the Holy One of Israel” (also 9).
Did you know that you can limit God’s miracle in your life?
The first lesson we can learn is “don’t turn back, keep moving forward”. In other words, “don’t you dare stop!"
Reason 2: Forget your past victoriesVerse 11 (NLT) They forgot what He had done- the great wonders He had shown them, and the miracles…
What great things has God done for you in the past? Take a moment and recall those when you’re tempted to give up. It will give you faith for the journey to your promise.
Reason 3: Doubt and UnbeliefThe next mindset that caused them to turn back and give up was doubt and unbelief. They questioned God’s greatness by asking, “Can God provide a table in the wilderness”? (19)
Like really? God is telling them He will provide them a spread in the wilderness and they sat there questioning His abilities. But before we look at them in amazement, let’s look at your own live. What have you been questioning God about in disbelief? What great dream has God given you that makes you wonder, “Can God really do it?” You may not ask that question, but instead you may doubt that God will use you to do it. They saw the land, and how rich it was. They saw people living their dreams but didn’t believe that they could. And therefore, they didn't.
But those who believed they could, did. So whatever you do, don’t you dare stop reaching for the good life, the purposeful that’s only found in Christ.
See you again next time for more Words that Inspire.

Live Everyday Inspired!
Dr. Janis Modeste
Your Inspirational Coach
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