Fame For Your Shame

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Fame For Your Shame!

"And I will deal severely with all who have oppressed you…. I will give glory and fame to my former exiles, wherever they have been mocked and shamed". Zeph. 3:19


The area of your life where you’ve been oppressed and shamed, God says, He will give you ‘fame’. I had to do a double take when I began researching the Hebrew roots of the word fame. Fame in Hebrew (vs19), (s-h-e-m-pronounced shame: means honor, authority, famous, renown).  The fact that the English word ‘fame’ is shem and pronounced ‘shame’ in Hebrew reminds me that God will turn my shame into fame. God wants to take your struggle and “give you glory and fame”.

What areas of your life have brought you shame? What big dream have you shared that made others laugh at you? What area of your life have you struggled with relentlessly? What is that problem that keeps resurfacing and makes your life difficult?

God wants to take your struggle and “give you glory and fame”.  What about that embarrassing life story that you don’t want anyone to know? The one that pains you just by recalling it? The struggle you’ve been trying to hide from the world?

God wants to use that painful situation, which seemed like utter failure, and not just deliver you from it; but bring you fame from it. He not only said he would deliver you because many of us would be satisfied with that; instead He said, “I will give you a good name, a name of distinction, among all the nations of the earth, as I restore your fortunes before their very eyes. I, the LORD, have spoken!" (vs 20)

God wants to make sure the world gets to see Him restore your fortunes. The world will know you struggled and see how God restored you. That is how God’s children come out of struggles. We shine for ALL to see. He gives us fame for our shame to bring Glory to His name. Will you let Him use you?

Coaching Session:
Take some time later today and write down the struggles you’ve gone through last year or even today. Write the answers to the questions I asked above. Meditate on the Zephaniah 3:19-20 to better understand how God delivers His people. Then you will have the faith to expect God to not only deliver you but to make you great.

Let those words Inspire you to greatness!

Live Everyday Inspired!

Dr. Janis Modeste
Your Inspirational Coach



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