Push Through To YOUR Promise!

Get inspiration to walk boldly into your God-ordained destiny!

Push Through To YOUR Promise!

“Stay on the path that the LORD your God has commanded you to follow. Then you will live long and prosperous lives in the land you are about to enter and occupy.”
‭‭Duet 5:33 NLT


Naysayers and obstacles, I call Dream Blockers, come to short-change God’s Master plan for your life. They are designed to force you to sell yourself short every time. They want you to downsize God’s plans for your life.

Don’t allow it to happen! Push through!!! Dream as big as God. Now that’s big. If your dream isn’t big enough to make you say, “Lord if You don’t help me, this can never happen”, then it’s not big enough. So what’s your dream? Reach the homeless, get healing for your body, open that business, raise Godly children, start a ministry or have a fulfilling marriage?

Stand boldly and confidently as you speak God’s promises over your own life. 

In order to stand confidently in God’s promises, you must know the plan He has for you. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the thought and plans I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts for welfare and peace and not evil; to give you hope in your final outcome. (NLT).

God is saying to you, I have plans of peace (shalom-  meaning health, prosperity, favor, safety, wholeness)- for your life. I want you to hope for- the thing you long for.

So speak peace (shalom) over all areas of your life.  It’s your promise. Take it!

~The above article is an excerpt from my new Radio Show, "Words that Inspire!"
I am still working on sharing the replays with you. Even thought the radio show airs in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, I don't want you to miss any good word from God for your life.
Keep praying for my ministry that I may expand to reach more and inspire them to do great things for God.

Love ya bunches,

Live Everyday Inspired!

Dr. Janis Modeste
Your Inspirational Coach



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