Do You Want Some?

Day 2- Do You Want Some?

Hi *|FNAME|*:

God wants to turn things around in your life today. He wants to turn your sorrow into joy (John 16:22); your lack into abundance; your dry ground into springs of water (Isa. 35:7). He’s the God of the turnaround and He’s ready to turn your life around right now. He has GREAT things in store for you this year. Yes, greater than you've experienced in the past.

He sent His Son Jesus to make sure that you ‘have and enJOY life' (John 10:10). Yes, He wants you FULL of joy.

Hindrances will come to block your path in the form of busyness, depression, lack ,doubt & struggles. Jesus knew that life will send you these curve balls so He warned us: “I have told you these things so that you won’t abandon your faith and that you would have peace in me” (NLT 33).

No matter what situation you are in today, Jesus wants you to only believe and ask Him what you want. Why? So you can have joy!! He said, Ask, using my name, and you will receive, and you will have abundant joy (NLT John 16:24). It's all about joy.

As you walk with God during this 21-Day journey, do so with joy. It will take faith so don’t rely on your emotions, rather rely on the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things.”

So whatever may be going on around you today, you can have peace knowing that God will turn it around. Just ask and receive. God is serving out JOY today. Take some.

Live Everyday Inspired!


P.S. If you forgot to order your print copy of the journal or didn’t get yours in the mail yet. Here’s a download of days one and two for your convenience.

Also, remember you can download for free (for a limited time I’ve extended the free download so invite your friends to download their copy today).

It’s Fasting Made Simple with Refocus 21.

You can still join the fast to "Get on God's Plan for your life".

"I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, Plans for good ..."
Jer. 29:11

Live Inspired!

Janis, Your Inspirational Coach
Author of REfocus 21: A 21-Day Fasting Journal


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