Week 2- Day 8- A Strong & Powerful YOU!
Hi friends!
God wants you whole, body, mind and spirit. That means, your mental health, emotional health and physical health is important to Him. As we begin to pray and seek God concerning our health goals for 2019, we will focus on all those areas. God's plan for you is shalom- meaning peace, health, prosperity, wholeness, wellness, favor and happiness (Strong's Concordance, H7965- Jeremiah 29:11). God wants you whole!
He will not call you to do great things for Him and not take good care of you- the whole you. So press in and hear what plan He has for you. Is it to wake up a half hour earlier to meditate on Him using scripture and affirmations? Is it taking a lunch break away from your desk? Is it making a commitment to fellowship with other faith believers on a consistent basis?
You won't know unless you seek Him about it. He will be sure to answer. Aren't you glad you don't have to wonder around going through trial and error to find peace? Once you've found God, you've found peace.
Jesus told His disciples that praying PLUS fasting will give them supernatural power to do things ordinary men cannot do. That same power is with us today as we fast and pray. Expect it. Believe it. You WILL see a turnaround in your health in 2019.
Remember friend, I'm praying for you during these 21 days of fasting that you will be open to the powerful things God is about to do through you.
Happy Fasting!
AFFIRMATIONS Father I thank you today that:
"The Spirit God has given me does not make me timid or fearful, but gives me power, love and self-discipline" ( 2 Timothy 1:7).
Repeat your affirmation(s) at least 3 times per day or as led- especially when you get hungry or you're craving that food, habit or meal you're fasting from. Please feel free to share the inspirational emails I will be sending out even if your friend are not fasting. They can use these words of inspiration too! They can click here<<< to sign up! or copy and paste this link
As you read Day 8 of your journal, take time to pray and praise, then sit and listen before you write. We will be revisiting our journal entries for each section at the end of the fast. But for now, Live today Empowered for Greatness!  Your Inspirational Coach
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