Week 2- Day 11- The FREEDOM to Prosper
"He will keep you in perfect peace if your mind is stayed on Him, because you trust in Him (Isaiah 26:3).
Hi Beloved!
God wants you WHOLE! He wants your relationships, health and finances to thrive. Now I know that we all struggle in different areas in our lives depending on the season. But God still wants us to know that His expectation and His plan for your life is WHOLENESS- body, mind & spirit.
As we fast and set aside time to pray and listen to God today about our emotional health, He reminds us, "I will keep you in perfect peace because you're spending time with me" (expanded Isa. 26:3).
The phrase "perfect peace" in Hebrew is "Shalom, Shalom". I love it! When a word needs emphasis in Hebrew, they repeat it twice. To capture the meaning in English, we say "perfect peace". Wow! God really wants us to get it.Just know that as you spend time with God, He is determined to give you His COMPLETE peace. As you may recall, Shalom in Hebrew is health, wealth, safety, prosperity, favor and wholeness! He wants you to have them ALL.
But the enemy's job is to keep you from this wholeness by any means necessary. One of his major ways is through unforgiveness. He knows that unforgiveness will rob you of your emotional peace. Don't let it.
If anyone has hurt you, lied on you, cheated on you or just don't like you, forgive them. Make this your day to pray and ask God to release them from your spirit. Allow God to keep you in perfect peace throughout this year. Don't go into the year carrying any baggages. Set them at His feet right now. Remember, I'm praying for you during these 21 days of fasting that you would have the courage to continue to allow His power work through you.
Happy Fasting!
AFFIRMATIONS Father I thank you today that:
"I have the perfect peace of God. I am whole in my body, mind, and spirit. I forgive anyone that has wronged or hurt me in the past. I give all my hurt and pain to You Lord. I also forgive myself for the pain I may have caused others. I receive your forgiveness as I forgive others. I am now free to prosper-MIND, BODY, & SPIRIT." Mark 11:25
Repeat your affirmation(s) at least 3 times per day or as led- especially when you get hungry or you're craving that food, habit or meal you're fasting from. Please feel free to share the inspirational emails I will be sending out even if your friend are not fasting. They can use these words of inspiration too! They can click here<<< to sign up! or copy and paste this link
As you read Day 11 of your journal, take time to pray and praise, then sit and listen before you write. Remember, without love, fasting and praying will be useless (1 Corinthians 13:2). Walk in forgiveness and.... Live today Empowered for Greatness!  Your Inspirational Coach
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