Day 14- My Heart Is At Peace

Affirmation Day # 14 Inside- "My Heart Is At Peace".
"You will keep him/her in perfect peace who's mind/thoughts are fixed on You". (Isaiah 26:3).

Phew! We've made to the end of week 2. So today it's time to Rest & Reflect on what God has been showing concerning your emotional and physical health. What mindset shifts needs to occur. Which relationships needs to be added or deleted. What things you need to become consistent in?

Today, take some time and have a good heart to heart with God about these things. Remember to write down your thoughts and the responses you hear in your spirit. Make today count. What you do today, will determine your tomorrow.

Happy Journaling!

Here's some quiet music to keep you focused as you pray, journal and meditate on these questions.
Affirmation: "My Heart Is A Peace"
(Isaiah 26:3)

Your Inspirational Coach
Quiet Music Video


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