Post- Fasting Day 1- Why Organization & Order

Let's Get Ready To Plan.
Hi Friends!

I just wanted to remind you to read the "Write the Vision" article at the back of your planner. It will help you to be prepared for Thursday's Webinar where I will supporting you with planning tips for setting SMART goals. (Remember to say your affirmations today-see below).

Without learning the art of planning, I know I would not have been able to get God's Kingdom agenda started in my life. I would have been too busy for ministry and the things in life that matters such as my relationships and my health. I still have a long way to go but I'm happy that I have you along with me on this journey. It makes the journey more fun and a whole lot easier.

I am excited about walking you through setting goals but even more excited about helping you stay the course the entire year. That's the challenge but we can do it!
Live Inspired!

Dr. Janis Modeste
Your Inspirational Coach
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Webinar on Thursday Night
Let's plan your greatness together. You've fasted, now what's next? Join us.


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