Day 3- What Can You See? (Refocus 21 Fasting)

Affirmation Day # 3 Inside- Don't Miss This Powerful addition to your day!
WATCH How To Use Your Fasting Journal
Hey Warrior!

Did you know that when God said, "write the vision & make it plain", He knew you can only write what you see (Haab. 2:2)? When a new year starts, many rush to create goals. But what we miss out on is seeing the fullness of what God has for our lives. If we stop and seek God, our vision will no longer be blurred but clear- so we can see farther into our future.

It's like looking through a frosted glass. Once it's cleared, you can see farther ahead of you. Fasting is the tool we use to wipe away distractions that may be blinding us so we can clearly see into the plan God has for our lives in 2020.

Know that this time of listening is not wasted. Take your time. Read your fasting journal, answer the prompts, and let your spirit do the writing. God is speaking. Just listen.

If you missed yesterday's post, you can catch up here<<< 
Tune into our facebook group for inspiration or to Share your recipes. I need all the ideas I can get for a vegan bag lunch.

1. Read the affirmation provided for you out loud today before each meal- that way you would have hopefully read it 3 times today. After 21 days, this will help you develop a habit of positive thinking throughout your day.
2. If you're using the fasting journal, carve out 10 minutes each morning to write using the provided prompts. It's great for reflection (especially at the end when we create our goals). If you did not get a journal, use any notebook- just as long as you journal. (get help here<<)
3. Enjoy the journey. You and God make a great team!
Happy Fasting!

Your Inspirational Coach
Get My Fasting Journal
How To Use Your Fasting Journal Video
LISTEN to this podcast: "UNLEASH The Power Within Through Fasting. 
Share the fasting ad below with a friend- let them experience fasting. 
FREE Pre-Planning Guide Download
FREE Year In Review Sheet
Shedule of Fasting & Planning Activities:
Pre-planning starts December 29, 2019 to January 4, 2020.
Fasting begins on January 5 to January 26th.
Check-In Thursdays: Every Thursday at 7 p.m. EST during the fast
Planning 101 Master Class (complimentary): January 30th at 7 p.m. EST
Planning Party: Saturday, February 8, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. - (Coaching to help you plan for your Relationships, Health, Finances):  February 6th, at 6:30 p.m., light refreshments served.

Fasting options-
Did you choose yet? (consult a doctor if pregnant, diabetic, etc.)

Option A- Daniel Fast (fruits & veggies)
Option B: Intermittent Fasting (choose a time/day for fasting)
Option C: Choose a food/pleasure to abstain from for 21 days (ex. TV, chocolate, soda, etc.)
Learn more.
Have you written down your plan to fast in your planner yet. Here's how in easy to follow steps. 
Plan YOUR Greatness!!
The perfect follow up after the fast. Get ready to Plan Your Greatness today! This desk calendar Includes how to set SMART GOALS, Daily affirmations, Meditation Scriptures- everything you need to not just wish for greatness, but to plan your greatness!
Yes! Send My Planner
Janis, Let me inspire your group to fast and/or plan.  Mastering the art of planning, provides a firm foundation on which to build holistic success. "Good planning and hard work leads to prosperity..." Proverbs 21:5.  Together, let's empower women with these powerful tools- fasting & planning! 
Yes! Empower Us!
I've heard from many of you that you'd like help with planning so here are some options: Planning for your day to day activities while you fast or you'd like to plan with a group now or later.
So if you'd like to join a group or become a host, here are some Plan My Greatness Planning Parties near you.
Events Locations
Miami, Florida: Saturday, January 4th.  Email for more info. (Completed and was a huge success. See our facebook page for pics.
San Diego, California, January 19th t 7p.m. Email for more info.
Clermont, Florida, February 8, (for those planning after the fast) at 6:30 p.m.
Learn More
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